Father John Sims Baker, Pastor

Welcome to Church of the Holy Rosary

I greet you in the Lord Jesus Christ, and I welcome you to the Church of the Holy Rosary in Donelson! I am blessed to serve as the pastor here. Our parish school, Holy Rosary Academy, as well as our original church, go back 70 years in this location. The parish has deep roots in the community even as we aspire to branch out in new directions. Our focus is on the worship of God, the teaching and forming of His disciples, the fellowship of Christian communion, and service to our neighbors. I hope you find a home in this parish. Please reach out to me if I can assist you.


  • Deacon Wayne Gregory

  • Deacon Mike Wilkins

  • Deacon Christopher Hoover

Parish Staff

  • Mr. Anthony Falcone

    Director of Finance and Facilities

  • Mr. Austin Cramer

    Director of Communications and Parish Life

  • Mr. Anthony Romeo

    Director of Faith Formation

  • Mrs. Cyndi Anderson

    Parish Secretary

  • Mrs. Marisa Hamilton

    Coordinator of Sacred Music

  • Mrs. Christy Winsinger

    Finance Manager